Walking Buddies

Above is a picture of the group taken at  Arbolado Park by Patricia Tom.

by Rolando Salazar

In addition to visiting regional park locales and open space trails, the Walking Buddies saunter along four major trails. The Iron Horse Trail, Contra Costa Canal Trail, Ygnacio Canal Trail and the Lafayette-Moraga Trail. All are all flat, paved by-ways that circle the county area.

We have segmented the trails into 2-mile increments, which we hike on in one direction, and return the same way for a total of about 4 miles. It takes us about 1 1/2 hours, and we meet at 9:15 AM on Tuesdays. We have identified around 55 segments, so that we generally only schedule each one once a year.  Walking is never boring, provides good exercise and lets us meet and interact with a lot of people our own age. We have been averaging about 25 participants each week and meet at each trailhead.

If you would like to join us, we can add you to our email list. It provides details about each weekly hike. The only requirements are that you be a member of the Seniors Club and agree to the liability waiver.

For more information contact Rolando at rsalazar94598@gmail.com.  For a schedule of planned hikes check our web site at:  Hike Schedule for 2023 (tripod.com)