Blog FAQ

How to Leave a Comment

One of the features of our web site that most people don’t use is the power to leave a comment. Anyone can comment on an individual article (called a post in blog speak).

When you go to you are at the home page. This consists of a list of posts, with the most current first. The title of the post is at the top, followed by the text with any pictures. At the bottom of the post you will see the words “Leave a Comment.” Click on this and you will get a comment form. Type your comment in the text box. You also have to enter an email address and a name in the appropriate fields.

A few of the posts are long and only the beginning of the text displays on the home page. You know this is happening if the text ends with the highlighted words “Read more…”. You must click on the words Read more… or the title to go to the individual entry and read the whole post. A comment form is at the bottom of each individual entry page.

That’s all there is to it. This is your club and we welcome your input.

Copying a picture from the blog to your computer

A post displays a picture as a  small thumbnail that is the best size for the post.  However, the picture is stored at full size, which is often larger than the display size in the post.  Click on the picture in the post to display the full size picture. Then right click on the picture and select Copy Image or Save Image As… to save the full size image.  If the first item on the menu is Open Link in New Window, you are displaying a small thumbnail image and must left click on it to get the full size image.

Wi-Fi Network Available at the Senior Center

The Walnut Creek Senior Center has an unsecured wi-fi connection for members to use. To connect, all you need to do is have your wi-fi enabled device search for wi-fi connections and select the senior center network (public-CPCC). You don’t need a password to connect. The wi-fi network is working.  The name has been changed to public-CPCC. 

The Senior Center wi-fi network’s biggest drawback is the range. I am able to connect from the Lounge, but not from the Conference Room. It looks like the network reaches only one side of the building.

Wi-fi works by using radio frequencies to transmit internet information between your computer or mobile device and the wi-fi router. The router is hard wired to the internet and passes the transmissions to and from the net. In a secured network the router and computer exchange information in a coded format (like the message produced by a secret decoder ring). The router decodes transmissions before passing them on to the internet, and encodes information before transmitting it to a mobile device. An unsecured network, such as the one at the Senior Center, sends transmissions as plain text. That means that anyone with a wi-fi enabled device and the proper application can record and steal all the information sent on an unsecured network, including passwords typed into a browser. Some of these wi-fi devices have a range of one mile, so a person can steal your information without even being in the same building.

The Senior Center wi-fi network is fine for checking movie times or playing Scrabble. But it’s unsecured, so you should never type in a password on a browser while connected to this network. If you have already done so, change the password immediately. A crook may have recorded it.

Internet Radio with Live 365

Can’t find a station that plays the music you like?  Internet radio may be the solution.  Many commercial radio stations from around the country now stream their regular broadcast over the web.  You can access any streaming radio station in the world – distance is no barrier.

Streaming music is not difficult.  Open a new window or tab in your browser and search for your favorite radio station or search “internet radio station free”  Select a site and follow their instructions to start the music playing.  Leave the browser window or tab open.  You can work in another browser tab or do any other work you want; the music will play in the background until you close the tab with the radio station.  The only drawback – expect commercials.

Of course, most of these stations also have Apple and Android apps.  Each app will work differently, and you will have to follow the individual app’s instructions to operate it.

I have discovered a new music site – Live 365.  This internet site’s URL is   The Live 365 web site hosts small enterprises that don’t have the resources to run their own radio station.  Live 365 pays the royalties for the songs played, so the operation is entirely legal.  The stations vary in quality from mediocre to excellent, so you have to try more than one to find one you like.  The best part – click on the the Oldies genre, and you get to pick any decade from the thirties to 2000.  You can then pick different radio stations that specialize in the music from that decade.